MCAN Leverages Automation and Industry Integration with Portfolio Plus Term Deposit Software
TORONTO, Ontario — December 10, 2018 Portfolio+ Inc. announced today that MCAN Mortgage Corporation (MCAN) has leveraged the latest automation features in Portfolio Plus Terms to automatically retrieve and process GIC and term deposit applications. While integrating with the industry’s leading application processing and administration network, MCAN has improved its automation within its term deposit business. “MCAN has been using Portfolio
Portfolio+ 17.2.0 Is Now Available
TORONTO, Ontario — March 16, 2018 March 16, 2018 — It’s out now! The 17.2.0 minor release of Portfolio+ is now available to Portfolio+ customers. This minor release includes a number of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements designed to improve business processes and overall user experience. The release notes for this minor release are available through the link below. As
Let Us Re-Introduce Ourselves
TORONTO, Ontario — March 16, 2018 Nice to re-meet you! That’s right. Portfolio Plus has a fresh look, and we’re very excited to share it with you today. But this isn’t just about looks. (We’re more into personality.) Our new logo is just the beginning. This is a first step toward a brand new way of thinking. We’re changing how we think about the banking
Release Notes Are Now Available for the Portfolio Plus 17.2.0 Minor Release
TORONTO, Ontario — March 9, 2018 The release notes for the next minor release of Portfolio Plus are now available. The Portfolio Plus 17.2.0 minor release will be available next week, on March 16. This release includes a number of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements designed to improve business processes and overall user experience. As always, customers are encouraged to use the
Hotfix 17.1.2 Is Now Available
TORONTO, Ontario — February 21, 2018 The 17.1.2 hotfix is now available. This small update includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements designed to improve business processes and overall user experience. Release Notes for this hotfix are available on Advantage. As always, customers are encouraged to use the Release Notes as a guide to prepare for regression and user acceptance
Portfolio Plus 17.2.0 Available March 16
TORONTO, Ontario — February 14, 2018 The next minor release of Portfolio Plus will be available on March 16, 2018. The Portfolio Plus 17.2.0 minor release will include a number of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements all designed to improve business processes and overall user experience. The Release Notes for this minor release will be available on Advantage on March 9.
Bridgewater Bank Chooses Portfolio+ Inc. as Its Software Vendor and Joins the CANNEX Financial Network
TORONTO, Ontario — January 16, 2018 Portfolio+ Inc. announced today that Alberta-based Bridgewater Bank is now live on both Portfolio+ Term Deposit software and the CANNEX Financial Network (CFN). Through this combination of software and services, Bridgewater Bank has the ability to seamlessly distribute GIC and term deposit interest rates and product information to deposit brokers, and automate application processing and
Portfolio+ Inc. and Bishopstown Credit Union Meet Financial Regulatory Deadline and Connect with the Central Credit Register
DUBLIN, Ireland — January 16, 2018 Portfolio+ Inc. announced today that its client Bishopstown Credit Union is now connected with the Central Credit Register (CCR). By connecting Bishopstown Credit Union with the CCR, Portfolio+ Inc. has ensured that the Credit Union can share information on personal loans with the country’s Central Bank. This exchange of information is in accordance with the
17.1.1 Hotfix Is Now Available
TORONTO, Ontario — January 4, 2018 A hotfix for Portfolio Plus is now available to Portfolio+ customers. The 17.1.1 hotfix is now available includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements designed to improve business processes and overall user experience. The Release Notes for this update are also now available and provide specific details of the bug fixes. As always, customers