

Portfolio+ Launches A New Reverse Mortgage Product for Banks and Financial Institutions

Empowering Financial Institutions to Meet the Growing Demand for Reverse Mortgages Portfolio+ Inc. (Portfolio+), a Canadian provider of financial services systems and technologies, announced today the release of its Portfolio+ reverse mortgage product—an innovative addition to its comprehensive suite of lending solutions. Portfolio+ recognizes the notable growth of reverse mortgages over the past decade supported by an increasing number of

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The Portfolio+ Way: Transitioning to a POD Structure

Organizations must continually evolve and adapt to thrive in today’s ever-changing business and technical landscape. The team at Portfolio+ understands this well and is embracing new ways of working. Portfolio+ is pleased to share that it has embarked on a transformative journey to enhance its capabilities in product design and exceptional customer support. This voyage involves a strategic move to

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Portfolio+ at the 2023 CLA Lenders Summit!

We are pleased to be a Sponsor at the Canadian Lenders Association’s 2023 Lenders Summit! Join us on November 1st at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto and expand your network, form valuable partnerships, and gain insights about the latest trends and technologies in lending. This event is a great opportunity to connect with other professionals in the lending industry,

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Over $25,000 Raised at this year’s Portfolio+ Open!

Portfolio+ is proud to announce that the 12th annual charity golf tournament, the Portfolio+ Open, has successfully raised over $340,000 for Kids Help Phone. The event took place on September 19, 2023, at Angus Glen Golf Course in Markham. It was a great opportunity for members of the financial industry to come together for a day of networking and fun

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Portfolio+ Announces New Data Deletion Compliance Feature for Banks and Financial Institutions

Portfolio+ Inc (Portfolio+), a Canadian provider of financial services systems and technologies, announced today the release of Data Management Delete, a new data compliance feature that empowers banks and financial institutions to delete closed accounts and client information files securely and efficiently from the Portfolio+ platform. Contact Us Designed to provide unparalleled convenience, the Data Management Delete feature ensures that

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The 12th Annual Portfolio+ Open

We are excited to announce that our annual charity golf tournament, the 12th annual Portfolio+ Open is being held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. We are at the prestigious Angus Glen Golf Course in Markham again this year. As in previous years, the event is in support of Kids Help Phone with all proceeds going directly to the charity. Registration

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Come See us at Open Banking Expo 2023!

We’re excited to announce that we’re back as a Platinum Partner at this year’s Open Banking Expo Canada conference. The annual event which brings together industry innovators, disruptors and visionaries to help drive the adoption of Open Banking, Open Finance, and beyond is being held on June 15, 2023 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Portfolio+ is pleased to be

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Portfolio+’s Laptop Donations Continue

  In early 2022, Portfolio+’s CEO, Dianne Cupples, signed the CEO Pledge which is a call to action from Microsoft and Computers for Success Canada (CFSC). The program encourages Canadian CEOs to help bridge the digital divides for underserved communities by committing their organization’s used devices to the Government of Canada’s Computers for Schools Plus (CFS+) program. Since 1993, the

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Revamped Portfolio+ Offices

  Portfolio+ is excited to announce the opening of their newly renovated offices. With a complete office refresh and redesign, Portfolio+ knocked down walls, eliminated ineffective space and modernized its entire office space. The new space features inspirational zones for collaboration and idea encouragement, quiet offices for when challenges or urgent tasks need to be completed, as well as a

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Donna Galloway on Board of Open Finance Network Canada

  Portfolio+ is thrilled to announce that Donna Galloway, Vice President of Marketing, has joined Open Finance Network of Canada (OFNC) as a Board Member. With over twenty-five years of experience in the financial services industry, Donna has extensive experience in strategic planning, product marketing, digital marketing, finances, pre-sales, product design and management across all phases of growth. Over the

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